There's a way to map a hardware button to toggle the screen rotation,
Instructions for wm6.1 users
1. run the registry editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Rotation
2. change the value of HideOrientationUI from 1 to 0
3. go to winmo settings > buttons to map it to ur button :D
Not comfortable with registry editing?
Here's an program that allows you to rotate the screen manually.
Insutructions for wm6.5 users
Download the following file to enable both rotation and wm6.5 settings
otherwise, follow the steps below,
1. run the registry editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Rotation
2. change the value of HideOrientationUI from 1 to 0
3. navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\ and change the value of 'HideSettings' to '0'
4. go to winmo settings > buttons to map it to ur button :D From the picture on the left, you can find 2 settings. The one blue/grey icon represents the Samsung setting while the grey icon (circled in red) is the winmo settings.
If the winmo settings icon is missing, go to the registry of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\ and change the value of 'HideSettings' to '0'
P.S. Samsung apps will kick the screen back to portrait mode
29 Responses to Omnia II Tip #2: Enable manual screen rotation!
Hi, I already change the registry but what shall I change for button set to? as I didn't seen any about screen rotation.
Is ok..
I found.... :D
only from Windows itself can set that ....
Yup, only windows setting could set tis option.
Samsung settings could display that the button is set to the rotate screen, but once you set it to someting else, that option will disappear.
Hi, how do I run the registry editor?
hi hong,
you can download the register editor online. one free software would be dotfred task manager
i've changed the registry but where can i access the winmo settings? i cant find it under the samsung ui settings.
many thanks in advance.
hi wei
u hav to disable samsung touchwiz first by goin to samsung settings > general settings > samsung touchwiz UI.
den go to start > settings
please, please. I changed register, but i don't see ,,screen rotation,, in buttons seting
please help me
hi jouka
u hav to go to windows mobile settings. Disable Touchwiz interface, press the top left start button, settings.
u should be able to see the additional option from the winmo settings
and please
do yo know? can i download somethink games for omnia II?(fullscreen)
Hi, Ive notice that the new versons of omnia 2 with winmo 6.5 dont have the enable/disable touchwiz option any more. So what should I do? Please help!
hi peter
the previous disable option only disable the start menu. For wm6.5, the start menu remains the original wm6.5 start menu, to access samsung menu, you have to use the cube button. Nothing else is different from that of wm6.1
Yes, I understand that. But how can than I acess the buttons option to enable screen rotation?
I have the same problem that Peter has. The change worked when i was using 6.1, but after update i didn't find a command to shut down the Samsung Touchwiz interface ...
hi guys,
hav updated the post, please check it again for the way to enable rotation on wm6.5
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as soon as i exit the page for setting the landscap, the screen went back to portrait, how can i make the landscap mode stay?
hi kbw2000
some of the samsung apps are not designed to work in landscape, as such these apps will kick the screen back to portrait mode..
If you are intending to use it as landscape mode, it would b best to refrain from using or launching these apps.
P.S. Samsung widget screen does not support landscape either, it will force ur screen back to portrait too.
hi and thnx a lot , i have allready change the registry but i cannot understand what to do next....i cannot fid from the start menu-settings the button u r talking about...please help!!!!!
Hi George
Are you able to locate the winmo settings? Checkout the post again as i have uploaded a picture of it. Once inside, you can go to personal > buttons to configure it.
which are theese buttons??????
Button 1 refers to the hexagonal button in front, while button 2 is the button next to the camera button
cheers and happy new year
I have samsung omnia II with windows 6.5 from Bell canada bought dec 2009. I did everything you say and still I can't see the "windows" settings down under the start button, I only see the Samsung settings.
hi there,
hav u edit the registry for the last part, whr u hav to go to the following registry?
if not, u could download the cab from the link to enable the stuff.
after a few soft resets, now I have the settings from windows. And I managed to do it. Great, now I can at last flip the screen landscape. it is stupid that unlike iphone, samsung had not thought of it as a necessary option for text and email, etc.
Excellent ...thanks. Question...Does this take up additional memory using this feature?
Its nice having the option to rotate other applications (i.e. Adobe reader, etc)
Hi Johnny
This setting does not require additional memory, it just activate the default option built into windows mobile for screen rotation.
Good advice; worked. What about Registry entries that will not change? I have used an editor to change Vmail number at HKCU/software/microsoft/vmail. PhoneNumber1 with the previous owner's number cannot be modified or deleted. I have used 3 editors, none will change this entry. Is it locked? Even MobCEregedit with unlocking option will not make the change. Any ideas, anyone? Thanks
I downloaded the wm6.5 feature, but I don't know where I need to put the files (_setup.xml and SETTIN~1000) Help me please
Something to say?