a new gadget each day keeps the doc away

Dislike the Samsung dialer? Here's a way to restore the default Windows Mobile dialer,

  1. Go to HKLM/Security/Phone/Skin using your favourite registry editor
  2. Change the value of Enabled from 1 to 0
  3. Soft reset and you get the default dialer :)

Changing to this default dialer reduces around 6mb of memory usage!


Finally managed to get the HTC Task Manager 2.1 to work on omnia :D
Previously was able to get version 1.5 working, but it is not as finger friendly as 2.1

Here's the link for the download, install the cab file first. After that, copy the files in 'into Windows' to your /Windows/ directory, overwrite all the files in ur omnia! Lastly, import both registry file and restart the phone :)

A video showing the task manager in action


You will need Total Commander for this tip to work.

1. Launch Total Commander

2. Browse to "Windows" folder

3. Find the file "thread_sms.htm"

4. Press the icon at the bottom row, next to the Show button.

You will see a whole chunk of code

<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell ......

Locate the line shown above and modify the value of height to something you like.

I have change the default value of 35 to 65, this gives me a nice 3 line spacing for the input :)


Use your favourite registry editor, go to [HKLM/Hardware/Devicemap/Touch]

Modify the value for Calibration Data to 519,503 177,881 182,129 847,127 849,872
Modify Click from 1280 to 2000 (decimal)
Modify DownUp from 256 to 750 (decimal)

Save the changes and soft reset the phone for the new setting to take effect!

P.S. The original data are derived from screen calibration when you touch the 5 points. So basically you dun really need to backup the original data this time, as you could always recalibrate the screen if you dun like the new setting.


For those that do not use shozu, this application is always running in the background, consuming about 400kb of memory. To prevent it from auto starting, use a registry editor and go to the following value [HKLM\init\]

Look for Launcher140, which should have the string "\Windows\shozurcp.exe" as data. Delete the entire row for Launch140.

To restore, you could always create a new value with Name "Launch140", value "\Windows\shozuRcp.exe" and type as REG_SZ

Caution! DO NOT delete the rest of the keys as this will cause the Omnia to freeze when start up!


Public beta is released now, the direct link to the downloads are as follows
Win 7 32-bit ISO
Win 7 64-bit ISO

and PS, here's how you can get the official windows 7 beta key

  1. Visit TechNet Downloads, sign in at the top right.

  2. After the page has loaded, copy and paste the following url

  3. This will give you a product key for 64-bit, it works for the 32-bit OS and vice versa. The server is overloaded, you will need to refresh the page a lot of times before you get the key. While stock list thou, there is only 2.5 million keys to cycle around. Good luck


This is what happens when system gets too smart... Canon started installing microchips on all the cartridges quite sometime back. I do encounter a few problems with these new batches of cartridges, especially in the case where the printer says,

"Hey, I ran out of XXX ink!"
"Heck it! Just print my doc!"
"No, no, no! I want my ink!"
"For christ sake, there's no XXX color in my doc. PRINT IT!"
"I refused to and demand my ink!"

I have to tussle with the printer for quite a while before the printer gave in and starts printing my document.

A few days back, a new problem surfaced. My printer complains of having multiple Cyan ink installed?! The printer is begining to act too smart as I have installed the right ones yet it complains...

After reinstalling the ink a few times, restarting the printer a few times, the printer proceeds on....with a new error! Great! Now It could not recognise the ink!

More restarting of printer, reinstalling of the ink continues for the next 5 to 10 minutes. Maybe the printer is now tired of complaining and started to print.

My next christmas wish:
a dumb printer that just eject the ink according to the slot, instead of trying to verify the ink cartridges


A new firmware has been posted on the web, latest version standing at i900DZHK3.

After upgrading mine to HK3, not much changes have been spotted. The status of the memory are as follows;

Total: 86.70 MB
In Use: 41.38 MB
Free: 45.32 MB

Total: 96.70 MB
In Use: 41.12 MB
Free: 55.58 MB

Pretty much the same here.

A new application has been added, the G-Sensor Dice is now added to the firmware. The rest stays largely the same.

One bug that is fixed now is the clock on the title bar. On older firmware, clicking on the clock does not show the bubble for next appointment. It is working now, but holding on the clock doesnt allow you to toggle between digital and analog clock still.

That's all folks!